About Us
Set Your Sites
Simplifying Visitor Access to the Outdoors.
Be recognized as the standard for how visitors interact with parks and campgrounds.
Grow with Set Your Sites
Happy Campers
in Funding
Sites in the pipeline
The Outsiders
Solving problems with the outdoors always on our minds.
CEO, Co-Founder
Stacy Dam
Stacy earned a Masters in Educational Administration advancing to Dean of Enrollment and IT Systems Management where she stewarded million dollar budgets and converted entire enrollment processes to paperless. For five years straight, she set enrollment and revenue record growth. After a collision with a deer while riding her bike, Stacy decided it was time for a change and launched Set Your Sites to bring the change she wanted to see for the campgrounds she loves.

CTO, Co-Founder
Dustin Dam
Dustin Dam is an electrical engineer who has successfully built his automated test consulting agency supporting Fortune 100 customers across the US. Specializing in hardware and software integration, Dustin is skilled at solving complex problems, which include writing the tests for the Apple lightning connector and Kuiper satellite system for Amazon. Dustin also serves as Chief Towing Officer for the family's fifth wheel and when he isn't focused on product you will find him fishing.